Cass is doing great! She remains in the hospital for recovery and is estimated to be discharged on Saturday! She has been working with an occupational and physical therapist daily and is up walking the halls 3x a day! The big thing today is the potential removal of her epidural and pain management. They have started her on pain meds orally and will work on this transition; keep sending those thoughts and/or prayers her way!! After a couple of days of 2 cups of ice chips only, she can finally have liquids and hopes they allow her to have a milkshake today!! I think she has earned it!! :) The staff at Stanford Hospital is exceptional, and the campus is beautiful! Cass is in excellent care! Cass believes she is where she is today because of all of you; she couldn’t have done this alone!! On behalf of the Muchmore family, thank YOU! Stay tuned for more updates!
I hope you got a giant milkshake today! I’m beyond happy to hear the surgery went well and pray that recovery goes smoothly too! Love you!
Keep up the good work courageous beautiful Cass!!!
Prayers for you, your family/friends, and all of the the professionals and staff caring for you!
I wish you good/tolerable pain control as you transition to no epidural.
Cheers to your well deserved milkshake, whenever that presents itself :-)
Stay strong beautiful warrior!
Praise the Lord and the Stanford Hospital doctors, nurses, and staff! Mike took our camper to be winterized yesterday and we have both been praying for Cassidy. Blessings to you and your family!