Nothing crazy to report this week. One more dose of IV antibiotics tonight then done:)
This week was the first time It‘s been just Harper and I for a few days and it felt nice...felt normal. I struggled to keep up with her as pretty fatigued early afternoon and still have these stupid headache. She has been mama’s mini warrior and allows me to rest when needed.
This next week round 2 of chemo and the trial drug starts on Monday. I am anxious to get going again as my tummy hardly aches after round 1 treatment (gotta think that means something right?). Harper will be spending a few days in Portland early next week so Chris and I can focus on treatment and healing.

I’ve been blessed with such awesome cards and this amazing photo printer that I decided to turn our boring ceiling in the bedroom into a little collage. Eclectic work in progress but the encouraging words and beautiful faces keep me going strong. Thank you all!
So glad you are feeling better and glad that Chris will be there with you. I'm sending you guys lots of love, hugs and prayers ❤️
I love the inspirational ceiling.👌🏼 Great idea and thanks for sharing! 🥰
Love you all and thinking of you often!❤️
I love the ceiling it looks great and the picture that stands out is Harper being Harper!!! With her mouth wide open and a goofy hat... Super cute!!! And You Are Capable And Strong!