What a month it’s been!
In addition to treatment, I came down with Covid a couple week’s ago. I really didn’t want to skip chemo as it’s been working. luckily, my labs and body are staying strong and I was able to have infusion last Thursday. Scheduled to have another this Thursday as long as everything continues looking good.
I have spent a lot of time in bed the past few week’s and boy has it been hard. I’ve missed Harper’s softball games, my chores are well overdue and our messy house is proof, my garden hasn’t been planted, my poor husband has slept in the spare room for weeks….all the things right?
Most importantly, I wasn’t able to be with my dad for his heart surgery and to top it off, I gave him Covid while he was taking care of me. Dad still had surgery and luckily Covid never really hit him but he was barricaded in the hospital for a week with no visitors and that was just hard on all of us. He is now home and recovering as expected. Yayyy!!
I’m sharing as I’ve missed a lot of calls and messages lately and wanted to explain why. I also really wanted to thank my husband. He has been such an amazing support to me and I am so grateful for his compassion and patience. Love you so much Chris and thank you!
I’m finally feeling better and currently cooking up a storm in bro’s kitchen to stock dad’s fridge for a bit. I had a nice visit with my mom yesterday and plan to watch Ellie’s softball game later today. Things are looking up!
Next scan won’t be for a couple months and we will find out the next path then. Wishing everyone a fabulous and healthy spring! Xo - Cass

I am so glad you're over covid and can now work on getting your strength back! So very happy you were able to see you dad and visit your mom! I'm looking forward to the next good news! I love you big! ♡
May has been a month of sickness for our family too (at least the kids and I, Tyler never gets sick!). Glad the Rona didn’t get you down! You are one tough cookie! Tell papa Jo the chicks will dig his new scar.😄 Much love to all!
I'm so glad that you and your dad are doing good. I didn't know about your dad. We love you guys ❤️
Lady you are a rock star! A true super hero!!!! My goodness so much hitting you at the same time. You are such an inspiration of a great attitude. Harper is one blessed kid to have you and Chris as parents. I'm so sorry you have gone through so much lately and so glad to hear you are feeling better and able to care for your dad! BAM keep it up! We think of you and your family often and pray for you every night. Tell Harper hello from Kenz she misses seeing her. We hope to see you up at the lake this summer. Much love and big big hugs.
Sorry you all got Covid as sure no fun glad all treatments are still a go and Jo Jo did good also. Will keep you all in prayers.
Love you guys.