CT results are in and from what I can interpret, the tumors have not spread beyond uterus and abdomen. They also appear to have shrunk a very small amount. It‘s so early into treatment that any shrinkage is a win in my book! I’ve had 2 rounds of chemo and 1.5 rounds of the trial drug. 4 more to go! The pain I was having halted a bit after my first treatment and I just knew it was working. Praise Jesus and all the prayer warriors and hippie healers! My hope and positivity continue!
Many of you aren’t aware but my prognosis is/was pretty crappy.…like really crappy! I’ve got a little different prognosis in mind.🤙
Yay!! that’s such encouraging news, teared me up seeing this❤️ You‘re doing great, keep it up😃
So happy to hear the great news Cass! Miss girl, keep up the fight you got this.
The best news Cass! I’m so happy for you! I am not surprised though—if anyone is going to beat the odds it’s you.❤️
So happy to here 😀😄
Me too😭