I had another scan about 10 days ago that showed more shrinkage. Only 2 tumors were visible compared to 7 that I previously had.
We traveled to Stanford in California and met with Dr. Ganjoo who is very involved in the sarcoma world. She was such a blessing. Kind hearted and very knowledgeable. Knowing we flew in, she reached out to Dr. Lee who is a GI oncologist and surgeon. He agreed to squeeze me in the next morning for a surgery consult. Yes, u read that right!
Surgery is scheduled to remove the remaining tumors on Oct 24th!!!!
While In surgery, Dr. Lee will look though my abdomen and pelvis and remove additional tumors that maybe didn’t show up on my scan. Following the tumor removal, he will then do HIPEC which is basically where they fill my abdominal cavity with hot chemo and let it sit for an hour before sucking it out. Yuck!
Of course there is always the chance that he opens me up and chooses to not proceed due to location or challenge of tumors. I could also walk away with a partial bowel resurrection and end up with a colostomy bag. These are highly unlikely according to Dr. Lee but still possible. No making fun of me if I end up with a poop bag!
This is a big surgery and I will be in the hospital 5-7 days and then we will stay local for another week before traveling home.
Im currently getting chemo infusion and I so hope this is the last one for a long long time!
I can’t thank you all enough for the continued prayers and support. Clearly it worked! I so hope to be NED (no evidence of disease) by the end of next month!!!
Thanks mama for being my angel and watching over us.
This is so awesome Cass! The Ninjas are rooting loud for you! Sending so much love ❤️
Forgot to say...
Jen 😊
This makes me cry... beautiful news! You are so strong, courageous, and resilient. I know this has been such a difficult journey, but this is just the power pellet you need to get thru :-) Keep on rockin' on! I pray for your continued strength to get thru the next hurdle. If anyone can do it, YOU can!!!!
No shame at all in a bowel resection or colostomy. Praying that all goes as well as possible!
Love and blessings to you and your beautiful family ❤️
This is amazing news!! Continued prayers for you and the family and of course the Doctors 🙏❤️🙏❤️
We are so happy your tumors have shrunk. You are in our prayers for the upcoming surgery and recovery.